The Prince George’s County Planning Department is accepting applications for the Historic Property Grant Program, which offers up to $50,000 for the acquisition, rehabilitation, preservation, or restoration of historic properties.
The 11 properties shown in the above slideshow that were awarded grants in 2018 display a sampling of eligible projects. Applications for the Historic Property Grant Program are due October 29. In April, grants of up to $50,000 (for a combined total of up to $300,000) will be awarded by the Planning Board.
The Prince George’s County Historic Property Grant Program (HPGP), in its 10th year, helps fund rehabilitation, restoration, preservation, or acquisition of historic property. Capital grants from the program are designed to preserve, protect, and enhance historic properties; encourage others to preserve, protect, and enhance historic properties; and promote interest in, and the study of, historic properties. The grant program is administered by the Prince George’s County Planning Department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on behalf of the Prince George’s County Planning Board.
Who can apply? Individuals, nonprofits, and political subdivisions (towns and cities) can apply.
What properties are eligible? Eligible properties must be in Prince George’s County and have, or be eligible for, an official historic designation.
What kinds of activities are eligible? Eligible activities include acquiring, preserving, and rehabilitating historic properties.
Selection process: The Historic Property Grant Program is administered by M-NCPPC in partnership with the Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). HPC will review all applications and make its recommendations to the Planning Board.
Requirements: A match of a minimum of 10 percent is required; the provision of in-kind matches of labor and materials is permitted. Successful applicants shall convey a perpetual preservation easement to M-NCPPC at the time the grant is awarded and before any funds are disbursed. Disbursement of funds is only by reimbursement of expenditures. Capital grant-funded work must be performed by licensed, bonded, and insured contractors. All work must conform to The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Deadlines: Applications must be postmarked or delivered by October 29, 2018.
Applications are available at Copies of the application are also available by calling 301-952-3680. For further information please call 301-952-3680.
Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program
A new grant program administered by the Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Commission will begin accepting applications in fall 2018. The Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program is intended to provide grants for historic preservation projects for professional services for preservation and planning consultants, planning studies, design work, and educational and outreach projects involving architectural, archaeological, or cultural resources. These grants are intended to help produce and disseminate information, stimulate public discussion about preservation, make technical expertise accessible, and encourage community partnerships. The Non-Capital Grant Program is sponsored by the Prince George’s County Government and administered by the County’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) and The MarylandNational Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). There are two levels of funding available: up to $5,000 and from $5,001 to $25,000.
Who can apply? Individuals, nonprofits, and political subdivisions (towns and cities) can apply. An organization seeking funds must have historic preservation, heritage tourism, genealogy, history, or archeology among its primary and motivating purposes, and/or must be the owner or contract purchaser of a designated county Historic Site, Historic Resource, a contributing resource in a locally designated Historic District, and/or a contributing resource in a National Register Historic District or determined eligible for listing in the National Register by the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT).
What kinds of activities are eligible? The preparation of plans, reports, architectural designs, specifications, cost estimates, cultural resource surveys, design guidelines, and community forums and publications, are eligible activities.
Selection process: The Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program is administered by M-NCPPC in partnership with the Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC). A Grant Committee will review all applications and make recommendations to the HPC.
Requirements: A dollar-for-dollar (50/50) match is required for grants in excess of $5,001, but no match is required for “mini-grants” that are $5,000 or less. Survey and documentation projects must be consistent with the Standards and Guidelines for Architectural and Historical Investigations in Maryland or the Standards and Guidelines for Archeological Investigations in Maryland and the Prince George’s County Planning Board’s Guidelines for Archeological Review. For projects involving a single historic property, the subject resource must be a designated County Historic Site, Historic Resource, Historic District, or a contributing resource therein, or must be listed on the National Register of Historic Places or determined by the Director of the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT) to be eligible for such listing. For more information on project-specific requirements, please download the program guidelines from our website.
Deadlines: The Prince George’s County Historic Preservation Non-Capital Grant Program will have two application deadlines per year: May 1 and November 1.
Applications are available at Copies of the application are also available by calling 301-952-3680. For further information please call 301-952-3680.