Study Launches to Improve Pedestrian Safety at Prince George’s Plaza

Community Planning Transportation


The Prince George’s Plaza Station Pedestrian Safety and Access Study, launched September 11, will provide detailed recommendations and implementation measures to enhance the area for non-motorized users.

The study focuses around the Prince George’s Plaza Metro Station, the Mall at Prince Georges, and the University Town Center mixed-use development. Collectively this area is known as the Prince George’s Plaza Transit District and was identified by Plan 2035, the County’s general plan, as an area prime for high-density, mixed-use development. With this type of development, comes the need for a safe, efficient pedestrian environment.

After conducting a site tour, several general improvements have been identified which include adding and relocating bicycle racks and street furniture, improving lighting conditions along heavily used walking paths, maintaining overgrown vegetation, introducing and repairing sidewalks where necessary, mounting security cameras at key locations, and installing ADA compliant crosswalks.

The final report will guide future development and improvement projects and hopefully galvanize powerful partnerships among private developers and various government agencies, such as the State Highway Administration and the Department of Public Works and Transportation, to enact noticeable change in the transit district. Overall, the study is a significant step forward in implementing the transportation goals and policies outlined in the 2014 Prince George’s Plaza Transit District Development Plan.